I serve as the editor of this award-winning, quarterly publication,
which ranges from 8 to 12 pages. In April 2022, I was honored to accept the
Frances Dana Gage Award for Outstanding Chapter Newsletter
from the Ohio Genealogical Society, on behalf of CVGS.
which ranges from 8 to 12 pages. In April 2022, I was honored to accept the
Frances Dana Gage Award for Outstanding Chapter Newsletter
from the Ohio Genealogical Society, on behalf of CVGS.

I designed this for use at events where there are
opportunities to tell the public what we do at CVGS. At the
bottom left is space for a plastic holder for membership applications.
opportunities to tell the public what we do at CVGS. At the
bottom left is space for a plastic holder for membership applications.

All design samples are shown with the permission of the client.